AMBER Alerts Program Information

This program is available for use by all Virginia law enforcement agencies.

Criteria for the Activation of the AMBER Alert Plan

  1. The abducted child must be 17 years of age or younger or currently enrolled in a secondary school in the Commonwealth, regardless of age, and the reporting law enforcement agency believes the child has been abducted (unwillingly taken from their environment without permission from the child’s parent or legal guardian).
  2. The law enforcement agency believes the missing child is in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death.
  3. A law enforcement investigation has taken place that verified the abduction or eliminated alternative explanations.
  4. Sufficient information is available to disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the child, suspect, and/or the suspect’s vehicle.
  5. The child must be entered into the Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) missing person files as soon as practical.

If all of the aforementioned criteria are not met, the Virginia AMBER Alert Plan will not be activated.

Plan Components

Emergency Alert System (EAS)

EAS is a national civil emergency alert system designed to inform the public of immediate threats to national security, life, and property. It is one component of FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). EAS broadcasts messages to the public over radio and television, beginning and ending with the familiar warning tones.. The Department of State Police uses the Everbridge Public Warning platform to send notifications through EAS.

Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN)

VCIN is a telecommunication system that provides 24-hour access for Virginia law enforcement agencies to enter and query information regarding any missing person.

Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Message Boards and Highway Alert Radio and other VDOT Communication Systems

These systems are maintained by VDOT. Electronic changeable message signs and radio systems will be used to disseminate information to the public as they utilize the highway transportation system. Fixed signs are located on major highways throughout the state, and portable signs can be placed in other locations as needed. These signs and radio system could be used to transmit information to the public regarding a child abduction. The other communication systems will provide information to Virginia rest areas, welcome centers, truck weigh stations, and toll facilities.

Lost Child Alert Technology Resource (LOCATOR) System

LOCATOR is a software system that creates missing persons posters for local, statewide, and national distribution. During an abduction or when an “AMBER Alert” is authorized, the Virginia Missing Children Information Clearinghouse (VMPC) can use LOCATOR to generate posters to publicize the case. VMPC is the only Virginia agency that can create a LOCATOR poster with the “AMBER Alert” banner.

Virginia Missing Children Clearinghouse (VMCC)

The VMCC, operated by the Department of State Police, is responsible for the AMBER Alert Program and serves as the central repository for information about missing children in Virginia.

AMBER Alert Plan Details

The Virginia “AMBER Alert” (VAA) Plan provides a valuable tool for Virginia law enforcement agencies in the ongoing battle to protect our children, while allowing the broadcasters of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and other partners an opportunity to contribute to the communities they serve in an extremely beneficial capacity.

According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), established “AMBER Alert” plans have already been responsible for the recovery of many children nationwide. We are hopeful that Virginia’s “AMBER Alert” Plan will not only assist in recovering abducted and endangered children, but also act as a deterrent to this type of crime.

This plan is available for use by all Virginia law enforcement agencies and can be used as their primary “AMBER Alert” Plan or as a supplement to their existing plan.

View the Virginia’s AMBER Alert Plan and the full list of Alert forms >>>

Secondary Components of Virginia’s AMBER Alert System

Public Utilities’ Communication Systems

The major public utilities within the Commonwealth have communication systems capable of notifying their field employees when the Virginia “AMBER Alert” Plan is activated. These utilities include electric companies, gas companies, cable companies, etc.

AMBER Alerts Advisory Board

The Virginia State Police should receive guidance from an Advisory Board consisting of eight members. The Advisory Board will convene at least once a year to review the Virginia “AMBER Alert” plan.

The Board is comprised of a representative from each of the following:

  • Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police
  • Virginia Sheriff’s Association
  • Radio Broadcasters
  • Television Broadcasters
  • Cable Broadcasters
  • Virginia Dept. of Emergency Management
  • Virginia Dept. of Transportation
  • Virginia State Police

AMBER Alert Participants

Virginia’s law enforcement agencies
Virginia Department of Transportation
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
Virginia Lottery
Virginia’s broadcasters
Virginia’s cable companies
America Online

Utility Companies

American Electric Power
Northern Neck Electric Cooperative
The Potomac Edison Company/Alleghany Power
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Southside Electric Cooperative
Dominion Virginia Power
Columbia Gas of Virginia
Roanoke Gas
Virginia Natural Gas
Washington Gas and Light

AMBER Alert Contacts

During an AMBER Alert:
(804) 674-2026

Program Administration:
Assistant CJIS Officer
P.O. Box 27472
Richmond, VA 23261-7472
(804) 674-2630