55 Prior Law Enforcement Graduate Virginia State Police Academy

Media Release – Nov. 20, 2020

RICHMOND – The 55 members of the Virginia State Police 133rd Basic Session were presented their diplomas Friday, Nov. 20, 2020, in a special, physically‐distanced, outdoor graduation ceremony at the state police Academy. In accordance with Governor Ralph Northam’s latest directives related to COVID‐19, no family or friends were in attendance and the class was divided into three separately‐spaced groups in the parking lot.

“To the very day of their graduation, the dedicated men and women of this Basic Session academy class have demonstrated their ability to adapt, overcome and succeed,” said Colonel Gary T. Settle, Virginia State Police Superintendent. “Fortunately, we were able to livestream the occasion for families and friends to witness this significant milestone for their loved ones. Not only was this a unique setting for the ceremony, but this is also only the second time in the Department’s 88 year history an Accelerated Lateral Entry Program has been held.”

The Accelerated Lateral Entry Program only accepts pre‐certified Virginia law enforcement officers with at least three years of active‐duty experience at the local and/or state level. Each candidate for trooper must have been in good standing with their former law enforcement employer(s) and underwent an extensive background investigative and testing process. Collectively, the 133rd Basic Session accounts for 426 years of prior law enforcement experience.

The 133rd Basic Session trooper trainees received more than 300 hours of classroom and field instruction in nearly 50 different subjects, including defensive tactics, cultural diversity, bias‐free and community relations, crime scene investigation, ethics and leadership, police professionalism, firearms, judicial procedures, officer survival and crisis management. The members of the 133rd Basic Session began their eight weeks of academic, physical and practical training at the Academy on Sept. 28, 2020.

For their final phase of training, each Trooper will spend an additional six weeks paired up with a Field Training Officer learning his or her new patrol area.

State police is currently hiring for 2021 Basic Session Academy classes. Those interested in joining the ranks of the Virginia State Police are encouraged to visit www.vatrooper.com for more information.


133rd Basic GraduateAssignment
Austin Kenrick Anders Franklin County
Dylan Wade BilliterTazewell County
Jonathan William BloomChesterfield County
Christopher Stuart Boblett Franklin County
Bryce Alan CampbellHenrico County/Richmond
Jesse Bethlynnie Campbell Bath County
Jason Gregory Carico Bland County
Jermell Lamonte Chatman Arlington County
Dylan Storm Coleman New Kent County
Rickie Lewis Compton, Jr. Halifax County
Scott Thomas Craig Rockingham County
Zachary Ryan DavisRockbridge County
Peter Lawrence Dayton Lunenburg County
Matthew James DeMoss Norfolk/Virginia Beach
Michael Anthony Dunford Giles County
Tyler Steven Easter Franklin County
Andrew Thomas Ehrhard Shenandoah County
Jonathan Thomas Fitch Rockbridge County
Michael Floyd Fury Fluvanna County
Nicholas Ryan Graham Hampton/Newport News
Jeffery Todd Hackney Giles County
Corey Michael Hall King George County
Joel Riley Hodges Franklin County
Matthew Ryan Hoppes Bedford County
Mario Jamar Hunter Isle of Wight County
Kenneth Wayne Joyner Campbell County
Christopher Scott Kesler Orange County
Ryan Thomas King Roanoke County
James Clifton Kirkland Campbell County
Seth Walker Layton Henrico County/Richmond
Adam Eugene MartinMecklenburg County
Paul David McMillanBotetourt County
Tyler Clifton Miller Augusta County
Justin Randall Myrick Pittsylvania County
James Henry NewbyPittsylvania County
Alison Amber Nowacki Richmond County
Matthew Joel O’Dell Franklin County
Meet Ravjibhai ParbadiaPrince William County
Charles Hugo Parsons, III Rockbridge County
Ronnie McCoy Pearce, Jr. Sussex County
Joseph Christian Rader Augusta County
Michael Lee Rogers Henrico County
Barry Alan Schell Highland County
Sean Christopher Scott Chesterfield County
Eric Byron Smith Page County
Gary O’Neil Smith Henrico County/Richmond
Paul Anthony Sprouse Rockbridge County
Matthew Prescott Stafford, II Bedford County
Joseph Michael UttFranklin County
Daniel Colby Vaughan Henrico County/Richmond
Michael Dale Wade, II Franklin County
James Douglas Waller Bath County
Dylan James WelshBotetourt County
Charles Hubert Wheeler Caroline County
Alison Jean Willis Rockingham County

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