On the street:
- Keep house and car keys separate.
- Have keys ready.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Stay in well-lit areas.
- Walk in the center of sidewalks. Avoid doorways, bushes, and alleys.
- Do not carry excessive cash.
- If attacked:
- Yell loudly
- Use instincts, fight, and never give up
In parking lots:
- Park under a light at night if you anticipate it will be dark upon return.
- Note where you parked your car for a quick and safe exit.
In your car:
- Check underneath and inside your car before entering.
- Keep your car in good working order, with gas and all fluid levels up.
- If your car breaks down, turn on flashers, lock your doors, and get as far off the road as you can. Call #77 for police assistance.
- If you are being followed, go to the nearest police or fire station, well-lit gas station, or public place – do not go home.
- When driving, place purse or valuables underneath your seats.
Home Safety
- Routinely lock all windows and doors.
- Keep entrances well-lit. Use timers for lights, both inside and outside.
- Check identification of repair contractors or sales individuals.
- Never indicate you are home alone.
- Get to know your neighbors.
- Door chains are not sufficient protection. Install a deadbolt along with a door chain.
- Contact your local police department to inquire about a home security check.
Child Safety:
- Children should never approach, accompany, or accept gifts from strangers.
- Teach children to report any suspicious incidents to you.
- Teach children to never hitchhike.
- Know where your children are at all times.
- Children should develop a habit of telling you where they are going and when they will return.
- Have children play in groups and avoid secluded or deserted areas.
- Teach children their full name, address, phone number, and how to dial 9-1-1.
- Accompany children to restroom when in public.
- Obey street signs and signals.
- Utilize crosswalks and safe crossing at corners.
- Encourage the use of sidewalks.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
- Be aware of their surroundings.
Internet Safety
- Utilize Parental Controls provided by your Internet Service Provider. Check with your provider directly to determine availability and usage.
- Educate yourself about Internet safety for both children and adults at any of the many online sites such as:
- https://www.oag.state.va.us Virginia Office of the Attorney
- http://www.justice.gov U.S. Department of Justice
- https://www.connectsafely.org/
- https://www.fbi.gov FBI Publication: A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
- https://www.missingkids.org/ Good resource for Internet safety as well as child molestation prevention, etc.
- http://www.netsmartz.org/ Provided by National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- Be constantly wary of online scams, identity theft, personal information scams known as “phishing,” spyware, and hoaxes*. Trustworthy sites such as those below provide a wealth of information:
- http://onguardonline.gov/ Provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information.
- https://scambusters.org/ Scams, phishing, identity theft, and much more.
- http://www.ftc.gov Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft information.
- Wireless Security
- Suggestions on Securing Your Wireless Connection Publication by VSP, BCI, High Tech Crimes Unit
- Wireless Security Publication by OnGuardOnline.gov
*Hoaxes may appear relatively harmless but the cost and risk associated is multiplied by millions of individuals propagating hoax email. Costs involve wasted time and email server processing resources, which may slow down to a crawl or crash under the heavy load. Spammers (bulk mailers of unsolicited mail) harvest email addresses from hoaxes and chain letters.