Trooper Pledge

“Humbly recognizing the responsibilities
entrusted to me as a member of the Department of State Police,
an organization dedicated to the preservation of human life and property,
I pledge myself to perform my duties honestly and faithfully
to the best of my ability and without fear, favor or prejudice.”

“I shall aid those in danger or distress,
and shall strive always to make my State and Country
a safer place in which to live.
I shall wage unceasing war against crime in all its forms,
and shall consider no sacrifice too great
in the performance of my duty.”

“I shall obey the laws of the United States of America
and of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
and shall support and defend their constitutions
against all enemies whomsoever, foreign and domestic.
I shall always be loyal to and uphold
the honor of my organization, my State and my Country.”