This program is available for use by all Virginia law enforcement agencies.
Criteria for the Activation of the Virginia Blue Alert Program
- Upon notification by a law-enforcement agency that a law-enforcement officer has been killed or seriously injured, AND the suspect has not been apprehended AND there may be a serious threat to the public.
- Prior to an activation, the Department of State Police shall confirm the following:
- A suspect has not been apprehended, and;
- The suspect may be a serious threat to the public, and;
- Sufficient information is available to disseminate to the public that could assist in location the suspect.
- Prior to an activation, the Department of State Police shall confirm the following:
- Upon notification by a law-enforcement agency that a law-enforcement officer is missing while in the line of duty under circumstances warranting concern for such law-enforcement officer’s safety.
- Prior to an activation, the Department of State Police shall confirm the following:
- A law enforcement officer is missing in the line of duty where the circumstances warrant concern for the officer’s safety, and;
- Sufficient information is available to disseminate to the public that could assist in locating the missing officer.
- Prior to an activation, the Department of State Police shall confirm the following:
If all of the aforementioned criteria are not met, the Blue Alert Program will not be activated. However, information can still be provided to the media.
Program Components
Emergency Alert System (EAS)
EAS is the national civil emergency alert system designed to inform the public of immediate threats to national security, life and property. It is one component of FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). Employing warning tones, EAS broadcasts messages to the public over radio and television. It utilizes the public radio/television and broadcast system to share information between public safety agencies and the media, who, in turn, transmit emergency information to the public. The Department of State Police uses the Everbridge Public Warning platform to communicate Alert information notifications through EAS.
Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN)
VCIN is a telecommunication system which provides a means of rapid communications for criminal justice agencies throughout Virginia.
Lost Child Alert Technology Resource (LOCATOR) System
LOCATOR is a software system that creates missing persons posters for local, statewide, and national distribution. During an abduction or when an alert is authorized, the Virginia Missing Children Information Clearinghouse (VMPC) can use LOCATOR to generate posters to publicize the case. VMPC is the only Virginia agency that can create a LOCATOR poster with the alert banner.
Virginia Missing Person Information Clearinghouse (VMPC)
The VMPC, operated by the Department of State Police, is responsible for the alert plan and serves as the central repository for information about missing adults in Virginia.
Secondary Components of the Virginia Alert System
A Child Is Missing Program (ACIM)
The ACIM program is a non-profit organization that enables law enforcement agencies to create a recorded audio message and distribute it by telephone. This free service can be used by any law enforcement agency with an executed agreement. When appropriate during an alert, the VMPC can contact the organization, identifying affected areas by five zip codes. ACIM will automatically call 1000 telephones numbers in sixty seconds and announce the pre-recorded message regarding the missing senior adult.
Public Utilities’ Communication Systems
The major public utilities within the Commonwealth have communication systems capable of notifying their field employees when an alert is activated. These utilities include electric companies, gas companies, cable companies, etc.
Program Details
The Virginia Blue Alert Program may be activated when someone suspected of a crime involving the death or serious injury of a law enforcement officer has not been apprehended and may be a serious threat to the public or when a law enforcement officer is missing while in the line of duty under circumstances warranting concern for the law enforcement officer’s safety.
Virginia Blue Alert Contacts
During a Blue Alert:
(804) 674-2026
Program Administration:
Assistant CJIS Officer
P.O. Box 27472
Richmond, VA 23261-7472
(804) 674-2630