Gaming Enforcement Unit

The Gaming Enforcement Unit Coordinator is tasked with synchronizing enforcement of gaming laws by state and local law enforcement, and serves as a liaison between such agencies and federal law enforcement.  The Coordinator also assists other state agencies tasked with gaming oversight and helps to promote and enable the equitable enforcement of gaming laws within the Commonwealth. 

The Gaming Enforcement Unit offers a tip line and a complaint form for members of the public to report concerns about criminal violation of gaming activities within the Commonwealth. 

If you have a complaint regarding charitable gaming activities, call the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs complaint line at (804) 371-0498. 

Gaming Enforcement Office

How To Report

To report alleged illegal gambling, please submit tip information using one of the three reporting methods below. Please note, while your tip may be anonymous, the Virginia State Police may require additional information to complete its investigation. A lack of contact information may impede our ability to conduct a thorough inquiry into any alleged criminal activity.

Please do not use this form to report emergencies or requests that require immediate law enforcement response. In an emergency, always call 911.

Text:  847411. Send a message to that number by typing “VSPGaming” followed by the tip. Messages are anonymous.

Online:  Submit a Tip Online. Messages are anonymous.

Phone(833) 889-2300

Problem Gambling

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the confidential and toll-free helpline at (888) 532-3500.

Other Resources