Patch Request

The Virginia State Police uniform shoulder patch was designed by a member of the Department in 1949, adopted in 1950, and used continuously since that time. It is used on the sleeves of all uniform shirts, blouses, and winter jackets.


Virginia State Police official shoulder patch

For sworn law enforcement officers within the United States:
In accordance with Virginia State Police policy, patch requests from sworn law enforcement officers must be submitted on official agency letterhead (original, no copies) and mailed to:

Virginia State Police
Public Relations Office
P.O. Box 27472
Richmond, VA 23261-7472 USA

For sworn law enforcement officers outside the United States:
Due to budget constraints, Virginia State Police policy prohibits mailing shoulder patches outside of the United States. You may download a scanned image by clicking HERE.

Civilian Requests:
Virginia State Police policy prohibits providing official uniform shoulder patches to anyone other than sworn law enforcement officers.

However, the Department does provide non-law enforcement/civilian individuals with a brochure that features a scanned image of the patch and additional information about the Virginia State Police.

Patch History

The Virginia State Police uniform shoulder patch was designed by a member of the Department in 1949, adopted in 1950 and used continuously since that time. It is used on the sleeves of all uniform shirts, blouses, and winter jackets.

The patch design consists of the obverse of the Great Seal of Virginia. The Latin Words, Sic Semper Tyrannis, mean ‘Thus Ever to Tyrants’ and have been the motto of Virginia since 1776, twelve years prior to the Commonwealth’s ratification as the tenth State in 1788. This seal is also included in the design of the State flag, adopted in 1930.

The central figure of the Great Seal depicts the Roman goddess Virtus dressed as an Amazon. The Amazons were a mythical race of warrior women who fought against men and who inhabited Southern Europe. She personifies enduring patience in trials, constancy under stress, resolution, unfailing exertion, and dedication to the Commonwealth of Virginia. By attitude, Virtus is at peace and intends to stay at peace. Although warfare may be over, she is prepared to stamp out any tyrant or form of tyranny.

The spear is held point down to indicate she is temporarily through with using it. Her helmet is pushed back to clear the face. In her left hand is a sheathed parazonium, a short Greek sword which is considered more a badge of honor than a weapon.

With head proudly erect and face upright, Virtus rests her left foot on the prostrate male figure who personifies tyranny. The crown which has fallen from his head originally symbolized freedom from Britain and the oppression of the Crown, the sundered chains freedom from Britain’s restrictions, and the scourge under the figure’s left hand freedom from Britain’s punitive measures such as the Intolerable Acts which were instrumental in provoking the Revolution.

Thus, Virginia personified stands as the victor over oppression, dedicated to service with firm patience and ever willing to fight tyranny should it become necessary.