VSPA President’s Message

The Virginia State Police Alumni, Inc. was founded in 1973. The organization was created to provide retired State Police employees an opportunity to socialize with former coworkers while maintaining an interest in the Department of Virginia State Police.

The purpose of the Alumni is to promote fellowship among its members, their spouses and friends. There are two Alumni Conference/dinner meetings held each year at various locations in the Commonwealth, normally scheduled in April and November. Our members receive two newsletters per year (The Grapevine) which contain information about our events, operational information, as well as detailed information about the upcoming Conference/Dinner meeting. The Membership Directory, containing the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses is published annually.

In the past, Alumni members and guests have enjoyed four different Alumni Days: two events at the State Police Headquarters; one at the new Driver Training Facility in Blackstone, and a picnic with an equipment display was held in Appomattox. We look forward to having more Alumni days in the future. The second event was held at SPHQ with four retired State Police superintendents providing an overview of their tenure in office.

The Alumni supports the Virginia State Police Museum which was created in 2000 and dedicated to Colonel Denny M. Slane. The Alumni also actively supports each Virginia State Police graduating class with a presentation of awards for outstanding achievements.

I sincerely hope that you will consider becoming a member of the Virginia State Police Alumni, Inc. to continue the friendships that you have made. A membership application can be downloaded from this website, or you can contact a member of the Alumni to obtain one. The annual dues are $25 with a one time initiation fee of $10. I hope you join us.

Ronald M. Kranchick, President
Virginia State Police Alumni
