Virginia State PoliceAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Division Seven Offices – Fairfax

Division Seven (7) headquarters and Area offices serve the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, and surrounding counties of Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William. The Division contains the following: Area 9 Office, Area 10 Office, Area 11 Office, Area 45 Office, and Area 48 Office. Virginia State Police has 7 divisions and 48 area offices in the Commonwealth. Regional division headquarters help bring VSP services closer to those in need.

Serving the Cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, and surrounding counties of Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William. Other office locations >>>

Division Seven Headquarters

Division Seven Commander:

Captain R. Greg Kincaid

BCI Phone: (703) 803-2676, Non-emergency number M-F during normal business hours
After Hours Call: (703) 803-0026
Emergency Number: (800) 572-4510
BCI Email:

Division Seven Commander:

Captain J. P. Koushel

BFO Phone: (703) 803-2660, Non-emergency number M-F during normal business hours
After Hours Call:  (703) 803-0026
Emergency Number: (800) 572-4510
BFO Email:

Virginia State Police Division Seven HQ
4977 Alliance Drive,
Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Map >>


Area 9 Office (Fairfax County:  Patrol responsibility for I-66 in Fairfax and Prince William County from I-495 to the Prince William/Fauquier County line.
Fairfax: 9801 Braddock Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22032 (Route 620 in Fairfax County), 3.7 miles west of Interstate 495 (Beltway) near the main campus of George Mason University)
Phone: (703) 323-4522

Area 10 Office (Loudoun County)
Leesburg: 41904 Loudoun Center Place, Leesburg, Virginia 20175
Phone: (703) 771-2533

Area 11 Office (Prince William County/Fairfax County: Patrol responsibility for I-95 in Prince William and Fairfax County from Stafford County line to I-495.)
Independent Hill: 14420 Independent Hill Drive, Manassas, Virginia 20112
Phone: (703) 791-3101

Area 45 Office (Arlington County, Fairfax County, Cities of Alexandria and Falls Church:  Patrol responsibility for I-395 inside the Capital Beltway to the Washington, D.C. city line. Patrol responsibility for I-66 from its intersection with I-495 to the Washington, D.C. city line.
Arlington: 1426 Columbia Pike, Arlington, Virginia 22204
Phone: (703) 845-6300

Area 48 Office (Fairfax County, City of Alexandria: Patrol responsibility for I-495.)
Alexandria: 9801 Braddock Rd., Fairfax, Virginia 22032
Phone: (703) 323-2671

Division 1 | Division 2 | Division 3 | Division 4 | Division 5 | Division 6 | Division 7